Experimental Workshop on Uniportal VATS Major Lung Resection, A Coruna, Spain, 1-2 September 2014
The well-known team of doctors were teaching during the Workshop: Dr Diego Gonzales Rivas, Dr Mercedes de la Torre Bravos, Dr Ricardo Fernandez Prado, Dr Maria Delago Roel, Dr Eva Fieira Costa.
During the workshop Dr Diego Gonzales Rivas demonstrated a new ground-braking method of probably the least invasive procedure for major lung resection – he performed a single-port thoracoscopic lobectomy in a nonintubated patient.
This was a closed workshop for a limited number of participants. During theoretical and practical sessions the participants could learn about the method of minimal invasive thoracic surgery.
The workshop was organized by the Fundacion Profesor Nocoa Santos, Centro Tecnologico de Formacion and Servizo Galego de Saude.
Below you will find some pictures from the workshop, but first let’s take a look at the video relation from the Workshop:
Photo gallery: