Medical Plastics article – Red Dot Award for XXL
We are happy to introduce you to the article published by Medical Plastics news regarding the Red Dot Award for XXL Clips Winning the Red Dot Design Award is confirmation that what we do works and has been recognised not only by doctors but also by design experts.
We compare our Click’aV Plus to ‘ABS’ in your car – it works as usual in an everyday setting but saves lives in difficult cases, and we are all proud that this product is the recipient of a Red Dot Award.” – says Konrad Brodaczewski
We are extremely pleased that the media is writing about our innovative clip and winning the Red Dot Design Award and we encourage all of you to read the entire article. 😊
Grena wins Red Dot Design Award for surgical clip

Dr. Andrzej Decewicz (left) and mr. Wieslaw Brodaczewski (right) – creators of Click’aV PLUS XXL