Fazza 3 Championships and Freediving Clinic in Dubai

Hello fellow Freedivers and supporters,
Recently I have decided to take part in the Fazza 3 Championships which will take place from 5 – 7 March 2015 in Dubai, UAE.
I was preparing one month for this competition, which is a very short time frame considering that the discipline over there is completely different from what we are used to.
The basic rules for the competition are simple:
No equipment whatsoever is allowed and an athlete has to stay as long as he can underwater while holding the rope. Time is counted as soon as the last part of the body immerses and stops as soon as any part of the body emerges. It’s prohibited to tie yourself to the rope anyhow and competitor has to hold it voluntary. Obviously the athlete has no idea about the time during the hold.
I’m looking forward to this competition as it will obviously be a good lesson for me. I have a lot of experience to gain in this new field and I hope that after this year I will keep coming back to Dubai every year.
I’m heading to Dubai on Saturday for two weeks. During the first week I will take part in Fazza 3 Championships and during the second week for the first time in my life I will conduct the Freedivng Clinic together with Static Champion Branko Petrovic, who won the Fazza 3 Championships two times in a row!
Thank you Grena Ltd. for providing me with accomodation in Dubai and all-round support!