The third edition of the Uniportal VATS Training in Shanghai took place in October 2015 and we would like to inform you about this workshop.

The training programme was led by Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas, Thoracic surgeon and creator of the uniportal VATS surgery procedure. During the workshop he was teaching this advanced surgery method to a group of surgeons from all around the world.

Here's a video from last years' training:

The Fall edition of the VATS Training gathered 35 international participants from all around the world. To name a few countries: Columbia, Brazil, Hongkong, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Russia, etc.

The Training consisted of an everyday "Presentation of the day", followed by workshops and live surgeries.

The presentations were prepared by surgeons who shared their knowledge with each other. We noted that representative surgeons from the European countries had extraordinary interesting presentations, especially Poland, Germany and Hungary. It was great to listen and witness how different experiences are presented to transfer knowledge between those experts.

There are already plans being made for next years' editions of the Uniportal VATS Training, with already 5 meetings being planned! It will be a great opportunity for many surgeons from all over the world to learn this unique surgery procedure at one of the best and biggest medical facilities in the world.

The Chinese surgeons are known to seek for minimally invasive medical procedures, so they are willing to invite pioneers in this field to their hospitals to learn from them.

Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas being the creator of the minimally invasive uniportal VATS lobectomy procedure was invited in March this year to 7 hospitals in 7 different cities in China, making it his biggest "tour" up to date. He would perform a live surgery in every one of the cities he visited as a way to promote and spread the knowledge about his minimally invasive operating procedure. Mandeo Records, a film company known for preparing a movie about Dr. Diego and his work and life ("This is life") accompanied him during this intense week and prepared a video material from it. 

Below you can view the short version (without subtitles yet) of the movie to get a taste of this tour.


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