We are pleased to inform that we had joined the Annual Conference in Cape Town, which took place August 7-10th, 2015.

During the conference local and international experts were discussing the latest research and up-to-date topics in pulmonology, thoracic surgery and critical care.

The event was organized by Dr. Ivan Schewitz who planned the workshops and all logistics. We are impressed by the flawless organization and the work Dr. Schewitz put into this event.

The first day of the Conference consisted of a workshop (wetlab) practice in the Tygerberg Hospital Animal Lab. 25 surgeons were invited to participate in this workshop and the surgeries were supervised by Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas, Prof. Walter Weder and Dr. Ivan Schewitz.

The following remaining days of the Congress the participants listened to lectures in VATS Lobectomy and other up-to-date topics.

During the Congress our exclusive South African distributor Sheppard was present at the event and was exhibiting Grena products in the Booth. Thank you to all participants who visited the Grena Booth during this Conference!

After the Conference, Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas took off to perform Master classes and live surgeries in three big cities of South Africa: Stellenbosh (nearby Cape Town), Durban and Pretoria.

In Stellenbosch 2 live surgeries were performed at the Tygerberg Stellenbosch Hospital. We would like to thank Dr. Jansen, the Head of the Department for inviting us and providing us with the facilities.

On the next day, Dr. Gonzalez Rivas also performed 2 surgeries at the Albert Luthuli Hospital in Durban, at the Department of Dr. Madderson, who we would like to thank for inviting us.

The last day we followed Dr. Gonzalez Rivas to Pretoria, where he performed 2 surgeries at the Steve Biko academic hospital. The second surgery was performed at the Garankuwa Academic Hospital. We would like to thank Prof. du Plessis and Dr. Jacobs for organizing the visit.

After this three-day VATS marathon, we prepared a small birthday surprise for Dr. Gonzalez Rivas and watched the wildlife together. It was a great opportunity to congratulate Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas to his birthday and wish him great success in the future. 

For more information regarding the Congress and a detailed programme please visit the venue's website.

UPDATE: Below you can watch a video produced by Mandeo Records from the journey to South Africa

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