We are happy to announce that we were part of the Medic West Africa Fair in Lagos, Nigeria in October.

About the Exhibition

This was our first time participating in this event and we were supporting Medic West Africa officially as a silver sponsor.

The exhibition brought together more than 3,500 health care professionals and hosted 287 of the world's leading healthcare suppliers, manufacturers and service providers.

Alongside the exhibition, 5 CPD accredited conferences took place, providing education in the latest healthcare advancements.

Grena for the 1st time in Nigeria

The visit to Nigeria was a great challenge for us, but also a great adventure. We are thankful for the help of our local distributor Geolis International, who supported us during the travel and flight bookings and was present at our booth during the whole Fair. 

We were able to reach a whole new market in Nigeria with our products and a new community of West Africa surgeons present at the Fair. So far, we have recieved positive feedback about our products, especially about our Chest Dranage Systems.

We would like to thank you for visiting our booth and Geolis International, our Nigerian distributor for helping us during this trip.

Follow us on Instagram

This event was the first one which we were sharing on our new social media platform: Instagram. We hope you will follow our adventure there and become a part of our community! You can find us on Instagram @grenauk.

For more information about the event, please visit their website.

Pictures from Medic West Africa 2016 


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