We are happy to inform that the 4th International Uniportal VATS Course was held on March 2 - 4, 2017 in Berlin!

This three-day-long masterclass symposium was jointly organized by the University Hospital Charité in Berlin, Germany, the University Hospital in Coruña, Spain and the Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Tonji University Shanghai, China!

This symposium took place in Berlin, Campus Charité Mitte and addressed the technique and advances of Uniportal VATS by lectures, discussions and video sessions on the first day and Live Surgery of major pulmonary resections via Uniportal VATS on day two. The third day of this symposium was a Hands-on class (Wetlab) for 20 participants.

The surgeries were a success and our Click'aV Plus polymer ligating clips have been used during the live surgeries and wetlab.

Grena Ltd. was supporting this event!

You can see the full programme here: Uniportal VATS Course Berlin 2017 (.pdf)

You can watch the Uniportal VATS Berlin 2017 promo here.

Please watch the important Uniportal VATS left upper lobectomy that Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas recently performed on YouTube -"Uniportal VATS left upper lobectomy blocked by calcified lymph nodes". The ClickaV Plus ligating clips used in this operation were a great help for the safety of the procedure. 

You can take a look at last years' edition of the course here. 

Video summary (click to watch)

Photos from the 4th Uniportal VATS Masterclass in Berlin:

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