We would like to inform that we were present at the 3rd Roman Tips and Tricks in Thoracic Surgery with our distributor Surgiline. The event took place in April in Rome, Italy.

The main theme of the course was "Present and future of Uniportal VATS" and featured many lectures from international speakers, including the creator of the Uniportal VATS method: Diego Gonzalez Rivas.

On the first day, participants were briefed into the Basics in Uniportal VATS, Tips and Tricks for advanced VATS and talk about the future in thoracic surgery. The second day is for live surgeries, broadcasted from the Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital and cases lead by Dr Diego Gonzalez Rivas and Mahmoud Ismail. On the third day, registered participants (limited group) took part in a hands-on training and drylab using a model for VATS Training.

We are happy to support this course and our distributor Surgiline at their Booth.

For more information, please visit the Organizer's website: https://www.zeroseicongressi.it [Italian]

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