The second out of three Prostata Robotic Workshops in 2019 was held on October 8 - 9th, 2019 at the Prostatazentrum Nordwest in Gronau, Germany.

We are happy to inform that we continue our cooperation with the European Robotic Institute in 2019 and support the Prostata Robotic Workshop, that will be held three times in 2019 at the St. Antonius-Hospital - Prostatazentrum Nordwest (PZNW) in Gronau, Germany.

About the Workshop

During the two-day training, participants are able to take part in live transmissions of robot-assisted prostatectomies (RARP) using Grena polymer clips Clicka'aV Plus™, visit OR during RARP, make intensive practical exercises using da Vinci System as well as an advanced da Vinci simulator.

About the Clinic

PZNW specializes in the treatment of prostate cancer using mainly the da Vinci System. It is the largest and most experienced prostate cancer treatment center in Europe. The clinic, with four da Vinci robots, performs about 1,400 treatments every year. Since its inception, more than 8000 da Vinci operations have been performed.
The head of the Urology Clinic is Dr. J.H. Witt, who performed more than 3000 da Vinci treatments, is the close circle of the most experienced da Vinci operators in the world. 

Photos from the Prostata Robotic Workshops - October 2019

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